"Coccoli", also named "zonzelle," "ficattole," or "sommommoli," are inviting little...
Tuscan recipe – Florentine coccoli with prosciutto and stracchino
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"Coccoli", also named "zonzelle," "ficattole," or "sommommoli," are inviting little...
The second episode of "Le tips della Vig" In the previous article, we talked about how...
Who I am My name is Virginia (Vig for friends). I am a lover of nature, good food, and...
Salame dolce, also called "salame di cioccolato", is a "funny" dessert that in appearance attempts...
For us Tuscans, schiacciata con l'uva means grape harvest. It means that time of year when the...
Torta pesata is an iconic cake for the Bartolozzi family, that tastes of home and tradition. It is...