Creative Ideas for Christmas lunch

Scritto da PoggioalBosco

December 18, 2015

Christmas lunch or Christmas dinner are special moments. You are celebrating Christmas with your family, eating all together at the same table.
So with our suggestions you can create a more special moment, with wonderful decorations on the table and in the dining room!

1. Little tree
You can rock the party with a nice Christmas tree made of corks; you have to drink a lot before Christmas if you don’t already have some used corks!

2. Candle holder
The four Advent candles can be holded by four glasses turned upside down and decorated.

3. Decorative bottles
If you have some hours to spend you can decoarte bottles with twine, with the help of some glue. It’s a decoartion in primitive style, so cute and easy to do, but you need some time to realise it.

4. Led and lights
The table with a modern look: put some led lights inside the (empty) bottles and turn them on! So nice and so geek!

5. Gold
Turn some bottles golden to make your Christmas bright!
Of course it’s possible you eat some golden dust with your meal, but it’s Christmas!

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With this small post on our blog, we wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

ultima modifica: 2015-12-18T21:38:37+01:00 da Elena Boschini

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