Nonna Maria’s “drunk pork” recipe

Nonna Maria cooking the 'drunk pork'

Scritto da PoggioalBosco

January 21, 2017

In the recent years we have shared with you bits of the ancient culinary knowledge of Tuscany, under the attentive supervision of Nonna Maria, the undiscussed queen of our kitchen. Today we are pleased to share with you the exclusive interview of WeChianti to nonna Maria, a rare opportunity for us to hear her stories, full of wisdom and precious lessons, in the kitchen as in life.

This post is on the recipe of ‘drunk pork’ (maiale briaco): a dish of the Chianti tradition, perfect for this cold winter, that we suggest enjoying with a nice bottle of red wine. It’s the story of an old and simple recipe, satisfying and warming, which needs time and has the flavours of long-gone times, when pork was a delicacy kept for special occasions, such as the Christmas holidays. This recipe was created to finish wine remains, in line with the countryside wit of always trying to reuse leftovers rather than throwing away. The name ‘drunk pork’ has been picked by nonna Maria and mamma Donatella, and it’s to the point: the pork is cooked in red wine, literally drowning in it!


Pork scamerita or coppa (the cut between the head and the loin), garlic, rosemary, parsley, fennel seeds, red wine (also different kinds).


Finely chop the herbs (garlic, rosemary, parsley, fennel seeds) to make the mince (judging the quantities ‘by eye’ as nonna Maria says). Cut the pork into pieces and put it in a pot with the mince and cover with red wine. Bring to boil and let cook on a gentle fire for 3-4 hours. Once the meat is cooked, take the lid off and let the wine evaporate almost completely. We suggest to serve it with salad, radish or polenta, and obviously with a good bottle of wine (the ideal is our Equinozio, 100% Merlot). Open it when you put the pork on the fire and let it breath close to the burner.

Do you want to know more? Here you can find the complete interview to nonna Maria by WeChianti.


ultima modifica: 2017-01-21T16:34:28+01:00 We tell you the story of a simple recipe, with flavours of long-gone times, when pork was a delicacy kept for special occasions. da Elena Boschini

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