Poggio al Bosco’s new extra-virgin olive oil

Scritto da PoggioalBosco

November 09, 2015

Poggio al Bosco’s new olive oil is finally ready to be tasted on roasted bread.

From this year we can call it organic, because in the last months we have been declared an organic farm.

Our extra-virgin olive oil comes from olive trees of Frantoio, Moraiolo, Leccino, Leccio del Corno, Pendolino, Morcaio and Maurino varieties and it is results from the mechanical cold pressing of olives, at about 24°C.

Harvest 2015 started earlier than past years, because the hot Summer we had this year helps a early maturation of the olives.

Thanks to a right level of humidity and to our careful control of the trees and of the fruit, this year we didn’t have troubles with insect attacks (such as olive fly), that during the last years caused problems to the farmers of the region.

Our olive oil has low level of acidity (0,1 %), that means a good olives’ quality.

The oil has an intense green colour, a flavour of fresh olives, a strong and flavoured taste and a nice pungency note, that is so good in new olive oil, because it means that oil is rich in poliphenols, good for their antioxidant characteristics.

After a hard work we finally introduce to you a very good extra-virgin olive oil, ready to taste!

Now you have only to take some roasted bread and pour the oil on it; it will be the starter and the dessert of all your meals!

ultima modifica: 2015-11-09T16:27:10+01:00 da Elena Boschini

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