Wine jellies: a different way to taste the wine

Scritto da PoggioalBosco

December 13, 2016

The idea of wine jellies

We had been thinking about making wine jellies with our wines for some time and we have realized this three different version to give different savours. Starting four months ago with this project, we went looking for the right company to transform our best wines into quality jellies, healthy and tasty. During our research we found out that there are many ways to make jellies: with grapes, must or wine? We also discovered that there are several production processes and many thickeners: fish gelatine, pectin and agar agar are some of the options. We were tempted to try all of the options, but in the end we opted for the most versatile and original: wine jellies. As thickeners we have chosen agar agar, a natural thickener obtained from red seaweed of different kinds, in line with our philosophy. 

For us it was important that this would be a low-waste production, environment friendly and natural. We are very satisfied of the result: our jellies are mostly made of wine (70%), sugar and spices. They are also chemical-thickeners, colourants, conservatives free. These wine jellies are for everyone, 100% of vegetable origin, tasty and useful to cook with.

What wines?

The toughtest choice has been choosing the wines. We have done several tests and our final decision has been on these three:
Lunatico, our white IGT Toscana, fruity and fresh;
Estroverso, our rosè IGT Toscana, appreciated for its intense flavour;
Eclissi, red IGT Toscana, intense and barriqued.

We have decided for those three (even if we wanted to do much more), as these are distinctive wines of our production. They are IGT blends we have created with passion and they are loved by everyone who knows us. 

What match?

Once we decided the wines, we moved on to picking the matching spices. We watned to find the best-fitting for each of the wines, staying true to our identity of tuscan farm. For this, after many tests, we have chosen sage, chilli pepper and rosemary. These three plants are present in all vegetable gardens in Tuscany and are used in the typical Tuscan food

The results

We are glad to introduce the result of our research, our three wien jellies:
Lunatico & Sage: delicate, ideal with young cheese (goatcheese, pecorino and ricotta); white meats; raw fish; panna cotta.
Estroverso & Chilli pepper: sweet and spicy, to eat with medium aged cheese (pecorino, taleggio); shellfish; boiled meats; grilled vegetables; chocolate.
Eclissi & Rosemary: intense and thick, ideal to match with medium aged and old cheese; red meats, boiled and roasted; wild game.

ultima modifica: 2016-12-13T15:54:26+01:00 We had been thinking about making wine jellies with our wines for some time and we have realized this three different version to give different savours da Elena Boschini

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